The Hakunila International Organization (Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys in Finnish) was established in 1998. Our objective is to promote the awareness and knowledge of the different cultures and advance multicultural activities in the Finland. We aim for overall tolerance in Finland by applying preventive and antiracist policies. Gradually the organisation has expanded its operations and has become the supportive organisation for immigrants. Hence, we opened an immigrant advice centre in Hakunila 2001. Burhan Hamdon a sociologist is the executive manger of Hakunilan kansainv?linen yhdistys runs the main office in which he provides all possible assistance to our clients. Hamdon also participates in collaboration with other public and private sectors to manage immigrant issues especially in the area of Integration, Youth affairs, anti-racism and multicultural works.

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Hakunila International Organization's new information and help desk works to help all foreigners living in Hakunila and outside Hakunila area.

You can visit us if you want information and counselling in matters such as: social issues, study, courses, work matters, crises and other problems. You may also come to talk for other reason.

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Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys
Kannuskuja 2, 2. krs. parkkitaso (Hakunila),

01200 VANTAA

Puhelin: (09) 2722775, 040-5013199

Sähköposti: hakunilan(a)kolumbus.fi

Hakunilan kansainvälisen yhdistyksen
Länsimäen toimintakeskus

Kilpakuja 1,
01280 VANTAA

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